how to write a journal

10 Tips for How to Write a Journal

Journal is a way to express your feelings, thoughts, emotions, etc. It helps you to be aware of your surroundings, life, activities, and many more. It doesn’t matter whether it is short or long. Even a sentence counts as a journal. 

Moreover, a journal can be about anything. Let’s say you saw a dream last night and the next day, you wrote about it. You are keeping track of your dreams whenever you see them. It is a journal. Writing about your daily life, thoughts, people you meet, fun things you do, poems, stories, etc., are some of the types of journal. You don’t have to bother about the writing structure; expressing your thoughts, emotions honestly is enough. Just write, write, and write. 

But not everyone has a habit of writing a journal. You might be wondering, “How to write a journal? How to start?”. So, here are the ten best tips for writing a journal. 

How to write a journal: 10 best and easy tips

Pick a place to write.

The most crucial factor that will help you feel relaxed is picking the right place to write. A peaceful environment allows you to focus on writing. You won’t be distracted while you are writing. It will help you to bring out your creativity. Moreover, your journal will be flawless.

The more time you spend writing in a familiar place, the more focused and the easier it will be for you to write. Let’s say if you feel more relaxed writing a journal in the garden, then write sitting there. Remember that you don’t always have to be in the same place. Sometimes, changing surroundings helps energize you, but do it only when you feel like it and are comfortable. 

Schedule a time to write

There is no fixed time to write a journal. Some people prefer writing before going to bed while some prefer the morning. Some might even write during their lunch break or in their free time. 

Decide the time which you think is the best for you. If you stick to a specific time, journaling will become a part of your daily routine. Writing a journal in the morning is best for dreams journaling, whereas the evening is best for daily activities. If possible, experiment with writing at a different time and figure out which time is best and suitable for you. 

Plan and select a topic

One of the significant and common obstacles to writing a journal is selecting a topic. Some people spend a lot of time deciding the subject matter. 

Your journal can be anything. You can write about your life, relationships, dreams, family, health, etc. Take your time and write about what you really love. You need to be comfortable writing about the topic. There aren’t any rules to write. Just stick to a topic and write. 

Note your daily activities and time.

Can you remember everything that happened to you today? Remembering every detail and when it happened can be challenging. 

If you are writing about your daily activities, it might not be possible to remember everything that happened today. So, note it on a paper with a timestamp. It will help you remember the actual event and time. Tracking how you felt doing those activities can also help you analyse your feelings about things.

Go with the flow

While writing a journal, go with the flow. Doesn’t matter if it is messy. It is your journal, so write what comes to your mind. Express your thoughts and emotions. No one is going to judge you for what you are doing. In fact, you shouldn’t care about others unless it is an academic journal or a professional journal. 

Don’t hold yourself back. Whatever thoughts, ideas, etc., come to your mind, just jot it down. Even if it is your happy moments or your sad moments, write it down. Write naturally; don’t restrict yourself.   

Be consistent

If you are writing every Sunday or every day or twice a week, be consistent. Never take breaks. Otherwise, you will feel like quitting it. The more consistent you become, the more you will be motivated to write. Once you start writing, you will feel great.

However, some people write a couple of times and they quit midway. Once you stop writing, it’s game over. You will be too lazy and unmotivated to start again. So, make writing a journal a part of your hobbies and be consistent.

Use journaling prompts

Even after spending a lot of time, some people don’t make any progress. They can’t even write a single word. They are out of options and ideas. In such situations, you can use journaling prompts.

Journaling prompts are a set of questions that will help you get ideas on what to write. It will guide you to write a journal. Just answer the questions honestly, and you will have tons of ideas and options to write. 

Keep it simple

The journal can be long or short or messy or out of writing structure. You don’t have to follow the rules. You have the freedom to write whatever you want. However, remember to keep it simple. What if you can’t understand what you have written?

Furthermore, don’t try to do something extra. Don’t try to overcommit or make it fancy. You are only going to make it tough to write. So don’t try to make it perfect; just make it more personal and straightforward.

Be calm

Writing a journal can sometimes be very challenging for someone who is planning to start. You will have fewer ideas about what to write and how to write it. It can even happen to someone who writes daily. Not progressing at all builds tension and stress. Writing a journal should be fun rather than straining you. 

You are expressing yourself and writing whatever comes to your mind freely and honestly. So, if you are frustrated, then close your eyes and take a deep breath. Try to relax your mind. 

Stressing yourself will only stop you from progressing. So, don’t pressure yourself to write. When you are free and calm, write during that time. You will be motivated and have full energy to write.

Keep your journal with you.

Sometimes, you might not get time to write your journal. Sometimes, you might be traveling or attending your friends’ weddings. However, don’t bring out your journal during the wedding and start writing. But take it with you anywhere you go so that you can write when you get time.

Moreover, ideas might pop up at any time. So, keeping a journal will help you write about it immediately. Just express your thoughts and ideas freely. 

In Conclusion

Some people can’t express themselves like others. So, they express themselves by writing. Everyone has their own reasons and style to write. For whatever reasons you are writing, be it for fun or as a hobby, be calm, consistent, and write freely.

If you are planning to start or have just started, the above tips and fundamentals will help you and guide you. There is no right or wrong way to do it. You are free to write. So, have fun writing. 

Image Credits: Negative Space from Pexels

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